Print talk
@myanruth Yesssss!
@Jon-Rose do you have a release date yet for the V3 artist drop? Or any variants?
New Orleans (Jon Rose) Edition of 50
@myanruth woooowwww
Jon Rose continues to KILL IT!!!!!!
@mdjabber you gonna grab both?
@myanruth I did!
@mdjabber nice, good decision.
@myanruth They had some Fall Tour V3 Windmills there, too, so I snagged one of those, too!
@mdjabber Killing it! I think the windmill is my favorite of the full tour prints so far.
Any word on the V3 print drop? Or anybody want to part with one? hit me upppppppp
Texas Run (Tom Shaw) Edition of 50
@myanruth TX one is sick!
@Cody yeah the Tx run prints may be my favorites of the tour so far
@Jon-Rose any info yet about the release of V3 fall terrrrrr print?
Denver (Jon Rose) Edition of 35
@myanruth Boom! Great pants!
Portland (Jon Kaden & Rob Boyle) Edition of 30
Sick print!