I'm Killing It! - Sticker design requests
Lets just try that second one as is, think it will look pretty sharp! Starman is Killing It!
can you throw the im killing it text on here? Gucci Mane for 420 fest.
@bathtubgin Let me know what you think. Stock photo is a little blurry but I tried to fix it up. If it looks good, send me your email via PM so I can send you the PDF.
@Cody Nice job! looks like you found another where the earth curvature in view rather than ending up cropped off the sides. Thanks for the work!
@Cody I could use some help with a design on this photo for the upcoming CO run. The dude's head right below "I'M" or between the I and the M. Thinking a fluorescent color like pink or yellow/green for the font color. Thanks!
and maybe a second one too...
@ColoSpaff https://imgur.com/a/GbzVc
Let me know what you think. PM me your email for the PDFs!
Those look sick! Can you add this in a baby blue color? Thanks so much!!
@ColoSpaff You got it! Sending email now.
@BrewNerd89 do you happen to have any of these left?? I would gladly trade for a few....
So in response to a fellow nerd posting that Dr Seuss essentially created the word 'nerd' in his book "If I Ran the Zoo" I would like to make some I'm Killing It stickers with his character!
@gwhitejr649 said in I'm Killing It! - Sticker design requests:
So in response to a fellow nerd posting that Dr Seuss essentially created the word 'nerd' in his book "If I Ran the Zoo" I would like to make some I'm Killing It stickers with his character!
I'd even say not to do an IKI (though of course do whatever. This could be a really awesome "Spaffnerd" sticker.
This idea is crazy and takes Photoshop skillz but...
what if- "a Nerd" read "a SpaffNerd"
- His frown was a smile
- His eyes were a little... blazed
- His hands were formed into Red's "S" gesture.
Last one is the real skill challenge. Who's up for it?
(also, totally disregard this if you want to do something else.)
Also... I know you guys know, but you don't know. @Cody is the fucking man. Hug a taper... but for fuck's sake shake this man's hand.
I totally agree dude, love your idea! Would def be better as a general Spaffnerd sticker then an IKI. This is gonna take some mad skills, way outta my league. I'm still down to have it made is someone is willing to offer up said skills?@Cody
I actually came in here to say I was having second thoughts about making this an IKI slap bc this dude just doesn't look all that happy. I'm going to look for a good image of one of those new power generating windmills (jamming to the Solana windmill right now!) to make into an IKI slap... -
@gwhitejr649 I did what Damian requested, we will unveil it soon enough
@Cody Awesome, can't wait to see what you come up with. Would you please add the IKI to that windmill when ya get a chance, no hurry. Thanks, I don't have access to photoshop. Thanks again!
@gwhitejr649 Let me know what you think, send me a PM with your email so I can send you the PDF for ordering. https://i.imgur.com/8aNA72y.png
@Cody Love it, thanks! PM sent.