Setlisted: Lets Make Shit Up
^ Would love for Midnight Rider to make a comeback or any Allmans
April 6th 2018
Union Transfer - Philadelphia, PASet 1: Philadelphia Freedom[1] > America, Reds Jam -> Weasel -> Space Gadget -> Funkadelic -> Weasel, Sweet
Set 2: Lovesick Melody > Soil -> Ain't That Wrong -> Soil -> Ain't That Wrong -> Soil, My Road (My Road)
Encore: Radio, On Fire -> Palisades -> On Fire
[1] Elton John Cover, First Time Played
October 6th 2018
Leave the Light On Festival - Night 1
Some sick ass Motel 6 somewhereSet 1: All My Friends > Leave the Light On[1] -> Bee Jam -> Dream Jam -> Catfish John, Lonley, Backdoor Funk
Set 2: Eternity, All In > Alternate Beginning -> Electric Taco Stand[1] -> Stuck in the Middle with You -> Plans
Set 3: Weasel -> Mad World -> Weasel, My Road (My Road)
Encore: Radio, Those Shoes
[1] Unfinished
October 7th 2018
Leave the Light On Festival - Night 2
Some sick ass Motel 6 somewhereSet 1: The Remedy -> The Final Countdown -> The Remedy, Virtual Bean Dip -> Feel Like a Stranger
Set 2: Motel 6 Jam -> Leave the Light On[1] -> The Reprise
Set 3: People, Lovesick Melody > Soil -> Electric Taco Stand[2] -> Salamander Song[3], Walls[4]
Encore: Fuck Your Face[5], Jam -> Leave the Light On[6]
[1] Second Verse, Still not Finished
[2] Finished Night 1 Version
[3] Inverted, Jam first then Lyrics
[4] With Original Lyrics
[5] Phish Cover, First time played
[6] Ending -
@dontjudgedave Where do I buy my tickets? Lol
@Cody if we book it, they'll come
we'll all come.
Set 1: Psycho Killer[1] -> Plans, Windmill, Levilan Shores, All In -> It's a Bunch -> All In -> Dis Go In 5? -> Backdoor Funk[2]
Set 2: Legend, Shake You Loose[3] -> Palisades -> Funkadelic -> Walls, Hollywood, Eternity > Minds Unchained
Encore: Soulshine[4] > Ain't That Wrong
[1] Talking Heads Cover, First Time Played
[2] All In Teastes
[3] Unfinished
[4] Govt Mule Cover, Red Solo -
@dontjudgedave I want this so bad, I call a smoking room.
Peach Fest 2018
Saturday Day SetSet 1: People[1] -> The Remedy, Lonely, Legend -> Dream Jam -> Legend, Windmill[2], Beautiful Day
[1] Unfinished
[2] Marcus King on Guitar, Blue Sky (The Allman Brothers) JamPeach Fest 2018
Saturday Late Night SetSet 1: Mountain Jam[1] -> People[2], Todd's Tots, In the Eyes of Thieves -> Weasel -> Night after Night -> In the Eyes of Thieves -> Weasel
Encore: Backdoor Funk
[1] The Allman Brother Band Cover, First Time Played
[2] Finishes Day Set Version -
Set 1: Plans, Lovesick Melody -> Soil > Weasel, The Fireman, The Reprise -> Funkadelic -> The Reprise, Salamader Song
Set 2: Slip and Squander, Red's Jam -> Walls -> Red's Jam -> Palisades -> Steak Sauce -> Walls, Feel Like a Stranger
Encore: Todd's Totts
Set 1: Night After Night[1] -> Slip and Squander, All My Friends > The Postman, Galisteo Way[1] -> Hollywood
Set 2: People -> Night After Night[2] -> People, The Remedy, Leave the Light On -> Bee Jam -> Galisteo Way[2] -> Leave the Light On
Encore: My Road (My Road)
[1] Unfinished
[2] Finished First Set Version -
Leg 2 Starts Wednesday - Lets get Pumped!
Solana Beach, CA @ Belly UpSet 1: (New Song)[1], Lovesick Melody > Soil > My Road (My Road), People -> On Fire[2] -> People, Ain't That Wrong[3]
Set 2: Electric Taco Stand -> Weasel[4] -> Palisades -> In the Eyes of Thieves -> Weasel[5], Windmill -> Alternate Ending -> Electric Taco Stand
Encore: Beautiful Day, All In
[1] First Time Played ...I bet they got something new coming
[2] JJ Grey Cover
[3] Extended Ending similar to NYE Run Version
[4] Jam Only, No Lyrics
[5] Lyrics Included Here -
@dontjudgedave I like your choice of encore ... those two pair as nicely as liver and Chianti
Set 1: Hollywood -> Bee Jam -> Hollywood, Salamander Song, Leave the Light On[1] -> All In
Set 2: Virtual Bean Dip -> Jam[2] -> Leave the Light On[3], Weasel[1] -> Red's Jam -> Plans
Encore: Palisades -> Weasel[4]
[1] Unfinished
[2] Lots of Fire on the Mountain (Grateful Dead) Teases
[3] Finishes First Set Version
[4] Finishes Second Set Version -
Set 1: Walls > Funkadelic -> Todds Tots, Diana, Windmill, Radio, Lovesick Melody > Soil > Ain't That Wrong
Set 2: The Remedy -> Weasel -> Electric Taco Stand -> To Be Young[1] -> Electric Taco Stand, Beautiful Day
Encore: My Road (My Road)
[1] Ryan Adams, Last Time Played 12-22-2012 (307 Show Gap)
Set 1: Shake You Loose -> Lovin Touchin Squeezin[1] -> Soil Jam -> In the Eyes of Thieves[2], Electric Taco Stand -> Ain't That Wrong
Set 2: Jam[3] -> On Fire -> Electric Taco Stand, Radio, Plans
Encore: Eternity
[1] First Time Played, Journey Cover
[2] Separate Ways (Journey) Teases
[3] Starts with Red/Cam Solo with Jordan/Brian joining after a few minutes -
Nobody wants to play with me
y'all gonna be pretty butthurt when they start stealing my setlists... For DontJudgeDave's Amusement Only Fall Tour 2018
Set 1: People, Radio, It's A Bunch -> On Fire -> Palisades -> Virtual Bean Dip -> It's A Bunch, Take Your Mama
Set 2: Salamander Song[1] -> Alternate Ending -> Minds Unchained, In the Eyes of Thieves
Encore: Jam[2] -> Salamander Song[3]
[1] Unfinished
[2] Starts with Cam on Drums, Jordan on Guitar, Red on Bass, Brian on Keys with a Phish style rotation Jam before finishing Salamander
[3] Finishes Set 2 Versionn -
@dontjudgedave No need to play. You write some killers setlists. If they are ever at a loss for creativity, I hope they pull up this thread here and all will be fine.
New Orleans
3/23/18Set 1: My Road (My Road), Eternity, The Remedy > Breakdown > Slip and Squander > Minds Unchained
Set 2: Leave the Light On -> When It Falls[1] -> Walls -> Leave the Light On, Beautiful Day
Encore: Todds Tots
[1] First Time Played
10/30/18 Somewhere in Denver
Set 1
Steak Sauce -> Stuck in the Middle With You -> Steak SauceSet 2
Take Your Mama, Lonely[1]->Funkadelic->Double Time, Mind's UnchainedEncore
Weasel->Lonely[2][1] Unfinished
[2] Ending Only -
12/29/18 Deep in the Heart of AZ
The DeliverySet 1
Postman Intro Jam (Delivery 0) > Postman Intro (up to tempo change) > Postman Delivery 1 > end part of Postman Intro > Postman Delivery 2 > Postman (up until Red comes in strong) > Postman Delivery 3 > Postman (Red keys come in) > Postman Delivery 4 > Postman dun dun, red breakdown dance party (jams out, never gets to lyrics)Set 2
Postman Vocal Jam > Postman Build reprise/Postman lyrics > Postman Delivery 5 (longest of jams) > Postman endingEncore
Because I Love You (The Postman Song)**Stevie B Cover (1st Time Played)