Guest List Spots
Taper for 3.9.18 at the ﹰTop ﹰHat in ﹰMissoula, ﹰMﹰT.
I can tape the San Rafael show for 2018-03-03. Their website mentions something about no taping?
@teamikoiko, @tyedyejon, @markrsmith , @moricle
I'm super psyched to see you guys stepping up already to get the ball in motion. Please make sure that you send an email to @archive-it following the instructions in the top post of this thread. He needs those emails for book keeping and to have a more legit means to contact you in case the need arises. It's great to post on this thread that you're in for taping but you're not officially 'on the list' until you email Grout and get a response from him.
Can't wait to hear what you guys pull.
I can cover Cleveland Heights if needed.
Please put myself and Aaron down for 2/28/2017 Solano Beach. We are both plannign on recording. Stoked The Higgs are opening 5 shows this tour!!!
Hey guys, please make sure that you send a message to Grout using the contact info at the top of this thread
I will send a email shortly.
Will a list for Fall tour 2018 dates available for tapers be presented here?
@Wharfratjoe When I hear back ensuring that there are spots. I have sent my email but not gotten a response.
I got Club Dada in Dallas on 10/24/2018. Sent email yesterday. Thanks
I’m planning on doing the 11-11 show in Boston and all of the Brooklyn shows. Not looking for a guest spot, just something so I don’t get hassled by the venues. New to taping so I’m green to the process. Just want to get in with my gear and not get turned away. Thanks!
Hi Grout. Mike Buzzeo here. I emailed you late Monday night to see if the spot to record at the MHOW in Brooklyn is still open for this Friday. I would like to go and record and share the show. I understand my friend Eric McRoberts is covering the Saturday show. Please let me know.