Happy New Year! Free Nugs for all of 2019!
I went to Bassnectar’s NYE event with a group of my closest friends. Don’t usually talk about that stuff with jam fans because they tend to have a negative outlook on that whole scene. But it was incredibly inspiring to me. Extremely grateful and full of love right now. Planning on spending next NYE with the nerds though
We left from California for Phoenix on the 20th and went through Tennessee for christmas with my family. Then we picked up my best friend from Nashville and headed west. We got stuck in a foot of snow on the mountain between Tucumcari and Albuquerque for 16 hours. We finally rolled into Phoenix and proceeded to tear that town a new asshole. The shows having been sweetned by our trails and miles. We met soo many awesome people that blew my mind with their kindness and inclusiveness that I rank this as the best New Year's I can remember having. Thanks to everyone involved.
I was elated to have friends visit from Florida and Colorado for the sole purpose of raging to Spafford with us. What a gloriously fantabulous time.
Best weekend! Best friends. Best community. Best band.
Raging house party. Two sick shows!
Highlight? All of it - on top of Derek Lundin’s bday weekend and a boat load of Nerd disc golf! So much fun! Plus Brian’s pick. What a cool venue too! Love the Nerd Community! -
Spent the first NYE in at least a decade chillin at home, had some friends over and jammed out to the phish webcast...was surprisingly satisfying (minus no spafford ha!). Thanks @damian for another nugs giveaway, keep killing it!
My New Year's was spent in the loving embrace of my best friends in the whole world. We were all boogying down to Pigeons Playing Ping Pong in Pittsburgh at Stage AE.
Spent it at Urgent Care with my two-year old, whose virus became full-blown pneumonia. Came home with antibiotics and chest xrays, ate sushi, binged Wonderful World of Mrs. Maisel (show is fucking hilarious, Nerds, get on it!), and fell asleep with headphones on halfway through some PHX drug band's cover of Whipping Post. Antibiotics worked their charm, two year got a clean bill of health today, back to work, life is beautiful. Happy New Year you very lovely Nerds! See you out there in 2019! PS I'm already Nugged, I just like talking to you peeps
@Johnny-Love woah. Glad the little one is okay.
@damian Chilled at home with the nerd Landon Hairfield
Yes, I stayed in town and did the Spafford thing. It was SOOOOOOOOOO worth it.
I bought two tickets to each night. Hopeful to have the company of a friend. I have the standing practice of taking noobs the their first shows. Miracling them. Did that with a friend on the 30th.
!2/31 arrives and my friends who are open are already ticketed and going anyhow.
Plan B: Craigslist Casual Encounters. Closed down... JK
I post online and find someone looking for an extra and we begin coordinating. They are headed to the venue at 8. But why, tho? I redirect by way of preparty invitation to have them join a gathering at a pad close by the venue to avoid overpaying for drinks and such. We arrive to party pad at nearly the same time. Quick intros and then socializing.
It's getting close to showtime, I pile folks into my car and we roll to the show. We get in and the show goes one and tears the place down. Lots of premiers, a request fulfilled and a great time was had by all.
Post show I pile more people back into my car to head back to the party pad, like an absurdly not legal amount of passengers.
WE get in and proceed to ensure that more fun will be had. Fireworks! Outdoors.
At this point it is late and my batteries were nearly de-charged so I said good by and retired to my own lace and bed.
Showered when I got home and glided away to Dreamlandia!
Ask for the real, real relevant details in person. I have a great story!
I was super wishing to go to Spafford, P4, or Aqueous but couldn't find the funds to travel! Ended up seeing Twiddle in Boston. The show was good. First time seeing Twiddle as they arent typically one of my favorites, but I actually really enjoyed it. The crowd was really bad though. Not Twiddle fans, but the general crowd on this night in a big venue on NYE where the drinks were flowing. Got home and played Mario Kart at the party that was happening at my house via roommates. Won convincingly. Play Smash Bros after, at this point i've drank a fair bit though. Lose in blowout fashion.
Overall a pretty solid NYE. First time I went to a NYE concert and it didn't disappoint. Hope to catch one of my favorite bands next year
My New Years was spent at home relaxing and watching the Phish webcast! Happy New Year to all my fellow Nerds!!
Happy New Year Nerds!! I spent nye by staying local and enjoying some wonderful bluegrass, a few of my favorite ladies, and video chatting friends who didn't make it out! Lol I plan on seeing even more Spaff this year and figuring out where! Last year they took me to Red Rocks (and will again this year) I can't wait for an amazing year filled with friends and family and even more Spafford!!
Started off at a sweet Nerd party on Saturday. Four days of disc golf with nerds both local and from out of town. Danced my ass off, rode the rail for both night encores. Raged with friends old and new. Had a big group of my disc golf family at the show, we are all Nerds! Spafford just topped off the 4 day weekend. I called and got the All In I wanted
Best Spafford shows that I have seen. They just get better. Was VIP so I already purchased downloads per se. Auds I've heard are sold though. Really hope The Van Buren is regular stop. Great venue, awesome staff, perfect sound. Just a great 2 nights all around.
NYE is our daughter's 11th birthday so we had early birthday sushi and movies at home. It was the first time my daughter and her friend saw the ball drop... They were not impressed. My wife and I were recovering from two nights of Fruition at the Boulder theater. I like to wish everyone a peaceful, healthy, and loving 2019 that is full of live music!!!
Holy wow! New Year's was incredible! My closest fam and i went from Pensacola to Atlanta for Ums 4 nights run. It was incredible. We met up with family we met at Ums last Tabby run, and since have travled around the country with, from Asheville. Caught late night CBDB and tauking mcgee! It was one for thw books! Cant wait to see y'all in Pensacola in Feb!!! -
For the second year in a row I got to spend my NYE with Spafford! I grew up here in Tempe, but right now I live in SE Wisconsin, about an hour north of Chicago. I can’t explain how nice the holidays have been with Spafford here to ring in the new year, and to cap off a wonderful holiday vacation with my family, and my nerd friends! I’m looking forward to seeing them again in less than a month now in Milwookie!!!
Happy New Year! Live on the west coast..so Phish webcast, little Panic on the side. And then tuned into Spafford. Really wishing I would have planned my New Years better and drove to AZ to see them. But it was a perfect night relaxing with my family and getting to hear my three favorite bands
May your 2019 be full of Spafford shows and happy times!
@Johnny-Love Damn Dude! Glad to hear the little is okay though!!! I know that feeling. I've had to give both my kids the heimlich maneuver before. Nothing quite as terrifying as watching a child struggle/suffer in front of you!