Happy New Year! Free Nugs for all of 2019!
@damian the best hug all night, too!
Awright... time is up. Let's do this drawing!
@damian Spent the New Year with Spafford live on the 30th and 31st dancing with my two best friends, my wife Elizabeth and our best bud Joel, the whole way home to the hotel room to wind down streaming Phish.....the CID package was magical!!! Loving this band more and more overtime we see them, LOVE dancing with their SPAFFNERD fans!!!!!
See you all in Portland and Eugene 3/17, my 50th birthday show...come dance with a leprechaun!
The drawing is done. Live video can be seen on our facebook page:
The winners are:
@McDonkey and @spacewranglers.@stilllawnboy managed to win, again, but is still in the midst of last year's 1 year subscription. So, sadly, we drew a provisional. Don't hate me bro
Winners have 7 days to contact me about their subscriptions. You can do so here or on facebook. But if I don't hear from you by next Saturday then I'm going to draw for your subscription again.
It's hard for me to put into words how much this community has given to me. I'm so grateful for the wonderful people I've met, the stories (and the beers) we've shared, and the completely unique experiences that I get by being the ringleader of this circus of nerds. I love you guys
My new years was spent with Widespread Motherfucking Panic. First waker since red rocks 02!!!
We were lucky to be in AZ visiting family and friends for the holidays. My wife and I were able to hit up the 30th show at the Vanburen (where my license still rests) and reunite with many of our friends from our time living in Prescott! On the 31st we flew home to ring in the new year with the String Cheese Incident. I’m looking forward for the upcoming CO Spafford shows! See you Nerds in Frisco!
Hung out with my wife who’s 8 months pregnant listened to Phish webcast and bed early text**
I did three nights of tribe in Denver for New Years!
I spent the evening on my block with friends and family. We held a ball-dropping party for the neighborhood kids @ 10PM mountain time to match the New York ball dropping festivities. We watched both the the Phish and the String Cheese HD streams too.
@damian One of these days, brother, I’ll get to give you a hug. Until then, DRAW MY FUCKING NAME YOU GODDAMN COCKSUCKER!!!!
Love ya, Damian!
@damian hey it’s Courtney(spacewranglers). Yeah so excited I won!
@jwberger I'll see ya there! I'm goin' Type II with my partying that night.