MeetUp: Phish Dick's - Saturday 9/2 @ about 5 PM In Front Of The Venue
I'm camping with @virtualbeandip. So I'll be around. Also, first post here. Joined the 'Nerds today!
@bongomaz42 welcome!
@damian thank you my friend.
We're about a week away, let's settle on a time. What's the compromise between people showing up late and those wanting to go in early? Meet up Saturday 5-6PM near Shakedown? People can really hang as long as they want, but some may be itching to go in, especially with the debacle of security last year (I wasn't even there and heard about it many a time).
@RadiantDarkness 5-6pm makes sense. Should we just call it 5:30pm??
My fiance and I are so in! Where we doin this? Dicks Camping?!
The campground is a pay to play space. Gotta have yet another wristband boughten to get in.
I have a propensity to park just outside of Gate C in the east lot all nights.
Look for the 2-D glasses.
I'm thinking that we should have the official meet up on Saturday out in front of a main entrance to the stadium. We should also do a Spafford shirt Saturday so that we are all easy to spot.
What do you guys think of this for a plan:
- Unofficial meetup at Red Rocks on Thursday for JRAD.
- Official meetup at Dick's on Saturday. Let's make it near to the start of the show and up by the venue. I will drop a pin on the map on Friday and post that here. That will be the official spot for the meetup. The idea is "By the front entrance." If we do it around, let's say, 6:00 PM on Saturday we can have a bit of time to co-ordinate and maybe see if we can all post up together for the show.
- WEAR A SPAFFORD SHIRT! (Or hat or pin). Rock out something that shows off the band and engage with the crowd when they ask. We'll have I'm Killin' It stickers and SpaffNerds stickers to pass out. Spread the word.
If you're in, reply to this post and say "I'm In!"
@damian I'm in!
@virtualbeandip and so is @bongomaz42
I dont have any spaff gear yet other than posters and stickers!
im a terrible fan but im in!
@damian I'm in, I'm in! Packing my Spafford gear for the trip!
@damian Im down to clown!
@damian Im in, but I'm also phishin' so who knows?
@Ian-Quinn I think we all have the same problem there. That's why I said... "About 6pm."
I have faith in you brother.
See you all there! If I'm late its because of the $5 Dab and Beer guy on lot!
@Warren-G-Molden Paige said the same thing!!!!
@damian I'm in as well as the rest of our Prescott crew but we'll be in line at 6. Hopefully everybody's there by 5:0
0. -
@docphunguy we can make it earlier if you think 6 is line up time. It's been a few years since I've been at Dick's