HowTo: Submit A Recording to the SpaffBase
We've spent a lot of time curating different sources to compile the only central repository of free Spafford recordings. Though we believe we've done a great job we know there's more stuff out there. We are glad that you're here and that you want to help us build out the SpaffBase Recordings.
Currently, the SpaffBase links to the following sources for audio and video:
but we are capable of, and open to, adding additional resources.
Please make sure that anything you submit is free of copyright (we do not steal from the band or anybody else) and that we can link to it without the need for a user/password combo. Ideally content should be publicly accessible so that we can easily send you guys off to listen.
Please do not submit 30 second clips that were shot on a cell phone with chompers chomping next to you. We will gladly accept submissions of single songs from shows, or a list of individual videos/songs, that can be combined to make up a show.
To submit a recording, you can reply to this thread, or message me in chat. When you do please provide the following information:
- The show, by date, that you would like to add a recording to. (Please link to the SpaffBase entry if possible)
- The type of recording (audio, video)
- The source of the recording (Archive, YouTube, etc...)
- The ownership status of the recording (You recorded it, a friend did, the venue did but it's free to share)
We are tremendously grateful for your help in building the premier database for Spafford's recordings. Thank you for being here. "Love's the common binding..."