Favorite Windmill?
2015-09-06 is the one people mention consistently.
@RadiantDarkness correct answer
I love the Dream Jam > Windmill from 2017-02-01
Yes. The live vol. 1. Mr Rose this one’s for you!
Think there was a good one from the Fox too.
@Jon-Rose that is still probably my favorite print... and I have a few.
Live Vol. 1 version is when I got it. Still love that one. Sound quality is excellent. Red's keys sound SO warm.... Love, love, love this song. Still haven't seen it live. Hoping for it in Raleigh.
I really liked the one from Syracuse!
@Cody said in Favorite Windmill?:
I love the Dream Jam > Windmill from 2017-02-01
big fan myself, what a combo.