Outstanding Versions of Spafford Songs, Best Performances, Recommended Versions of Songs, etc...
Not too many off the top of my head but if you search this thread I think others have made some good recs for Weasel sandwiches
8/5/18 BB Kings Phish Afterparty is pretty sick with the Red's Jam throw in the sandwich too
1/20/18 Lancaster is a lot of fun with them switching it up and doing Palisades inside ETS and Alternate Ending inside Weasel. I think the highlight of the show is the outro jam of ETS before the drop into Weasel. After Palisades, they slam hard into ETS and finish it then the outro they drop into like half speed for a bit and bliss out before the Weasel
@Phish99 said in Outstanding Versions of Spafford Songs, Best Performances, Recommended Versions of Songs, etc...:
thank you @dontjudgedave
ive been digging the weasel>palisades>weasel from that vegas release for awhile
you got any recs for a weasel>palisades segment?
11/04/17 is my favorite. The return/end of Weasel is one of my favorite things they've done. I also love when they hit the big riff at the end in stride instead of stopping for it. They don't seem to do it much anymore.
1/12/18 Definitely gets into the conversation for W>P>W action. Early ‘18 is a treasure trove of Weasels.
This thread needs some action. What is everyone digging from the last few months? I'll throw out a few...8/11 All in, 8/9 and 9/22 Bee Jam, 8/26 ETS. What else you got?
10/12/18 Electric
Stand, some serious driving funk.
Lonely on 10/11 went deep. Probably my favorite I’ve seen live.
10/6/18 Weasel needs to be added. Probably the best Weasel I've heard in recent years. So glad the untz is back.
@GeorgeBailey 8/9 Bee Jam and Plans, 8/26 All IN has one of my favorite Spafford grooves,
@603Brett said in Outstanding Versions of Spafford Songs, Best Performances, Recommended Versions of Songs, etc...:
Lonely on 10/11 went deep. Probably my favorite I’ve seen live.
this, sick jam
List is updated with versions that had multiple votes. A few of these will probably get more votes once they get nug'd.
And how about that Dream Jam from 10/9...do I have to ask for extra votes for that as an Outstanding Version?
Hasn't been Nug'd yet but we should all be talking about that Funkadelic > Remedy from Brooklyn N1...shit was toight
Posts in epic thread... Thanks for the list, GB! I'm new to this forum. Ready to learn.
Pumped to have been to a few of these!
Brooklyn acoustic Weasel (10/14/18) is a definite, yes?
@GeorgeBailey Funky Weasel definitely one of my favorites now
10/16/18 Legend, while "type 1" includes absolutely blistering play by Brian. Surprised the building didn't light on fire.
10/9/18 Plans from Burlington should get the treatment. It’s honestly a shame it hasn’t been talked about more. Extraterrestrial porno space music.
It is both true that aliens bang to this jam and that it should be added to the list
@603Brett said in Outstanding Versions of Spafford Songs, Best Performances, Recommended Versions of Songs, etc...:
10/9/18 Plans from Burlington should get the treatment. It’s honestly a shame it hasn’t been talked about more. Extraterrestrial porno space music.
@603Brett @Johnny-Love It is on repeat for me the past two days. Amazing version. Adding it now!