Outstanding Versions of Spafford Songs, Best Performances, Recommended Versions of Songs, etc...
1/12/18 Definitely gets into the conversation for W>P>W action. Early ‘18 is a treasure trove of Weasels.
This thread needs some action. What is everyone digging from the last few months? I'll throw out a few...8/11 All in, 8/9 and 9/22 Bee Jam, 8/26 ETS. What else you got?
10/12/18 Electric
Stand, some serious driving funk.
Lonely on 10/11 went deep. Probably my favorite I’ve seen live.
10/6/18 Weasel needs to be added. Probably the best Weasel I've heard in recent years. So glad the untz is back.
@GeorgeBailey 8/9 Bee Jam and Plans, 8/26 All IN has one of my favorite Spafford grooves,
@603Brett said in Outstanding Versions of Spafford Songs, Best Performances, Recommended Versions of Songs, etc...:
Lonely on 10/11 went deep. Probably my favorite I’ve seen live.
this, sick jam
List is updated with versions that had multiple votes. A few of these will probably get more votes once they get nug'd.
And how about that Dream Jam from 10/9...do I have to ask for extra votes for that as an Outstanding Version?
Hasn't been Nug'd yet but we should all be talking about that Funkadelic > Remedy from Brooklyn N1...shit was toight
Posts in epic thread... Thanks for the list, GB! I'm new to this forum. Ready to learn.
Pumped to have been to a few of these!
Brooklyn acoustic Weasel (10/14/18) is a definite, yes?
@GeorgeBailey Funky Weasel definitely one of my favorites now
10/16/18 Legend, while "type 1" includes absolutely blistering play by Brian. Surprised the building didn't light on fire.
10/9/18 Plans from Burlington should get the treatment. It’s honestly a shame it hasn’t been talked about more. Extraterrestrial porno space music.
It is both true that aliens bang to this jam and that it should be added to the list
@603Brett said in Outstanding Versions of Spafford Songs, Best Performances, Recommended Versions of Songs, etc...:
10/9/18 Plans from Burlington should get the treatment. It’s honestly a shame it hasn’t been talked about more. Extraterrestrial porno space music.
@603Brett @Johnny-Love It is on repeat for me the past two days. Amazing version. Adding it now!
Austin It’s a Bunch...
@GeorgeBailey Was a crazy show opener. Loved it. And into Minds Unchained, which I was hoping for so much.