I may have only seen a few spafford shows. Seeing them live for the first time. It was 12/30/16. They literally blew my mind. It gave me that feeling that you are witnessing something truly special. Which only about a handful of bands have done for me. The insane Eyes opener to start the show. Proved to me that this band is here to blow the roof off this place. I was a little tired after the Phish show, but that Eyes gave me the push I needed. That tingle that slowly lingers up you spine into your brain. Then releases and explosion of serotonin. From the audio sensory overload. I was re-energized, and I went straight up to the front and was there to stay. I knew I was about to dive head first into the void. The Bee Jam> All In were sick, and finally gave me a chance to catch my breath. I knew from that moment on. To me are one of the few bands. That I will vividly remember every part of where and when I was the first time I heard them (11-10-16 driving in my car . Listening to 10-29-16.) and seeing them live on 12/30/16. The whole show I had fun dancing with friends, and watching one of my best friends dance in a cage above the stage. One thing I will never ever forget, and cherish forever. Is the weasel from 12/30/16. It still gives me chills just thinking about it. The ending had me dancing so hard. I thought I was going to drop. I stopped to look at Brian and he just kept going and going. He absolutely destroyed it. So I just pushed it. The set ended, and I was in a state of pure bliss, amazement, and speechless. The whole show is great I wish Nick nothing but the best. I'm excited to see what happens next. Walking into outer space with my heart, mind and Eyes. Open!!!!!!

Best posts made by SpaPHord
RE: I'm Killing It! Sticker Raffle #1: First Spafford Show
RE: Teases. Teases? Teases!
2016-07-30, Green Room, Disco In 5 @ 5:35-5:50 Land Down Under Tease.
RE: Teases. Teases? Teases!
@SpaPHord Sorry its Electric Taco Stand and its Final Countdown Tease. Same time though. Sry for the wrong song