My first show was in Flagstaff - Green Room - July 2016.
Thanks to this amazing girl I met April '16..I now know about Spafford. They are her favorite band.
I decided to surprise her with tix.
A few weeks prior, the band put up a contest for a ticket give away. I never win anything. This time was different.
I told her about it and that we were going. She was a sooo happy.
When we got to the show, I had to show proof of me to get the ticket. This guy handed me my ticket. I told him this was my first Spafford show and couldn't believe I won a ticket. He gave me a hug and said welcome to the family. That was Jordan. Now I'm 5 shows in...and can't wait for the next one.
Best posts made by Todd Cully
RE: I'm Killing It! Sticker Raffle #1: First Spafford Show