Great review!!!!

Posts made by ClanW
RE: Review: 2018-12-30 - The Van Buren – Phoenix, AZ
Absolutely SOLID review!!!!! I could not agree more about the music AND the acceptance from all the hometown nerds. We drove from TN and it was unreal how welcome and at home everyone made us feel. There is def something special about the whole thing, from band, crew, all the way down to the fans. I remember seeing communities like this grow in the early 90's when I really started following jam bands. Hell of a tribe to be welcomed into.
RE: Happy New Year! Free Nugs for all of 2019!
@Johnny-Love Damn Dude! Glad to hear the little is okay though!!! I know that feeling. I've had to give both my kids the heimlich maneuver before. Nothing quite as terrifying as watching a child struggle/suffer in front of you!
RE: 2018-10-11 - The Royale - Boston, MA
Great review! Lonely has been getting some serious love recently and it's amazing, this one does happen to be particularly nice!!!
RE: Review: 2018-10-18 - The Basement East - Nashville, TN.
@mdjabber HAHAHAHAHA! I don't personally view it as that, but I know those that do, hence why I say that. But I get it. To be honest, I haven't come across a Spafford song, cover or original, that makes me think, "I could use the bathroom now."
Review: 2018-10-18 - The Basement East - Nashville, TN.
All In It For The Ride
The text messages started rolling in about 9 a.m. “Tonight’s the night my friend! You ready for the get down?” Indeed, I was! And the day would just get better. Already had a planned meet-up with all the ‘nerds coming to town. Next thing we know another good friend decides to drive down that day after seeing tickets posted. Well this just keeps getting better!!!!
6 p.m. rolls around and we head into The Crying Wolf for some pre-show shenanigans. A few folks are there already and by 7, we are conversing with strangers as if we have known them all along. Some from out of town, some who live here, many have never met, until now. Doors open, and we all pay our tabs and walk the block to the Basement East. I see Red standing outside the bus with the Tour Manager(I think, Name?). I run over and hand them a stack of Bee Jam Spamps I had tucked in my pocket. I say “Thank you for all you do!”, shake his hand and walk off to the door. There is a line at the door, good news for the boys, which gives me time to miracle someone waiting with an extra. “Anyone need a ticket?”, I ask. After 3 groups finally someone says yes, I hand them the ticket and go to walk away.
“How much you want for this?”, he asks.
“Fuck that! Enjoy the show my friend!”
“That’s amazing!” I hear the woman say as I walk away. My smile grows wider
We finally get in and I am pleasantly surprised to see this space is much bigger than the original Basement on the West End of town. Way more boogie space. A quick break to the smoking porch and Spafford hits the opening notes as we walk in:
Standing Outside A Broken Phone Booth With Money in My Hand – My friend Larry called this one but not as an opener. At first, I’m thinking, “Wow, maybe we are in for a super spacey show with such a laid-back opener.” Love this cover but never thought of it as an opener. I ease in to the fluid, almost languid melody of the Primitive Radio Gods Cover. The main body of the song drips slowly into a jam section, nice and flowing at first, but then it begins to build. A fiery peak that would set the tone for the evening. A straight pedal down and go kind of feel that leads to one of those softly cushioned drops. I catch Brian and Jordan have a moment here as they look at each other, nod, and smile. The drop slows to a funk strut and eases us right into…
>Backdoor Funk – Had a feeling this one would show up and it graces itself with such an easy entrance. The crowd, a great mix of veterans and noobs, immediately recognizes the shift and cheers. Red absolutely killed this song. I love hearing his cascades flow over the top of the sound, trickle down, and fade back into the soundscape. Truly magical!!!! Again though I notice that they seem to have the accelerator pushed a little more than the last few times I’ve seen them. The non-festy sets seem to have lit another spark among the band as they play to fans that want to hear them open up again. Not that the song was played faster, just that there is a drive and an undeniable energy they are attacking songs with. Cam continues his beast mode on the drum set and BDF finally comes back around to the final verse and gives us the first break of the set.
Sweet – I was so happy to hear this song! Even if it did feel like a quick downshift from the high pace openers. Beautifully played and sung though, and always a pleasure to hear live for me personally.
People – Fuck YES!!!!! I absolutely LOVE this song!!! Tempo was nice and upbeat without being too pushy. Like a lazy river just moving you along towards the river rapids which are just strong enough to rock the place. It seemed like a great way to pick up the feeling again without busting the doors down. Red rips a beautiful solo and drops us easily into the jam. (Here I’m going to rely on notes a bit as I was lost in one of my fav songs but apparently still had the ability to write notes about it.) There was a slow down moment in the jam where it felt like the drivers simply downshifted again without a clutch. Not jarring, but the kind that makes your stomach turn just a bit as your metaphysical self, slows slightly slower than the physical. This leads into a large build as, Spafford does(peaks and valleys). Patient and organic, Cam and Brian find little niches to up it. A flare here a cut time run there and the next thing you know, the familiar melody of people is back with Red serenading us again bringing the song to a close.
Electric Taco Stand – Final rager before set break. I find myself completely excited as I remember this is not a festy set and that there is a whole other set to come. My body, excited by the info my brain has just reminded me of, begins to dance as hard as it can. Brian is on point. Here I finally notice just how good the room sounds. For such a shallow, wide space they have done a hell of a job keeping the sound full and warm. Not one instrument seems to be fighting the other for space. Jordan thumping out rhythm and root notes melded perfectly with the soundscape Red was throwing down which leaves Cam and Brian open to really drive the piece. Not a long, jammy, version, but super tight with that high energy they have had from the get-go.
AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH, Set break!!!! That moment to collect your faces from the floor and go get some fresh air. While outside I run into several friends seeing Spafford for the first time. “I hear the term “Holy Shit!” several times. Walk off to find my group and run into some new friends I met at the meet-up earlier. Then another ‘nerd walks by and we hug, happy that we finally get to meet in person after so many tries. One of the things I think makes this band special is the love that the ‘nerds have for each other. Obviously there are going to be personalities that clash but I have seen so much love thrown around in this group and so much disparity squashed before it could take shape. The community is half of what makes going to see this band so special. I have friends I didn’t even know I had until I met them.
Time for Set II
Aeroplane – Okay, okay. I know there are those out there who hate this cover, I’m here to admit it’s not one of my favorites, but I’m not the type to complain about a setlist choice. If the boys are happy covering it then it means that they will put all they can into it. Aeroplane was pretty standard in my opinion, except for the nice little Jordan breakdown we got in the middle. Love to see them hand it over to Jordan occasionally. My friend Larry leans over to me and says, “Gas pedal!” Indeed, it doesn’t feel that the energy has faded at all. Songs are light and upbeat, clean, and dancey. The jam begins to evolve into something and I can feel a switch coming…
>Double Time – One of the songs that just keeps creeping up in my favs list. This song is crunchy and energetic. Touching on those metal-esque tendencies like weasel. Here you can literally FEEL the energy being thrown back to the crowd as if they were saying, “Thanks for all the love!!! And here’s some right back to ya!” All I managed to write in my notes for this was HARD!!!!!!!! They crushed it!! Brian wailing the melody over heavy handed drums, a thumping base, and floaty keys made this my song of the night. A friend grabs my shoulder and is amazed that this jam band can get so hard and crunchy then fade back to a funky strut before you finish your exhale. Just a lovely rendition of this song that bumped it a few notches on my must hear list.
Diana – A fairly light-hearted Romp through a song that dances on the edge between up-beat and pee break song. Another little gem I was hoping to hear live again delivered to me while I catch my breath from the mayhem that preceded it. Perfect placement for this one I felt.
All In – Shows up next and exclaims the boys are ready to drive this one home. Already I’m thinking this is gonna be the end and I look at my clock. “Damn! They have some time to fill so maybe a jammed-out version?” After the festy performances of this I was kinda hoping for a deep exploration. That wouldn’t be in the cards though. The boys make their way through the orchestrated section and dive into that slow roll of the jam section. My friend and eye take a moment to acknowledge the energy is still high. “Gas Pedal!!!” he says. Indeed!!!! To my surprise the song begins to wind itself up and end. I look quickly at the time and then at my friends. Larry looks at me as if to say, “They still got time for my Weasel sammie!!!,,, but then…
Cleaning Windows – Going to be honest here, this one threw me. I love Van Morrison but not being a massive fan this one is un-familiar to me. At first, I am slightly disappointed but quickly realize that this might be a bust out. A quick sneak at the and I get the title as well as check the times played. Sure enough, only paid twice, the last time 5 months ago. Very cool song and I’m interested to see what they do with it if it continues to show up. I was hoping for an “Into the Mystic” but being introduced to a new Van Morrison song while listening to my, currently favorite hot-handed band, was a huge treat and made me smile.
Space Gadget – No doubt this would be the end to Set II, and what an ending!!!! Love this song and everyone, even those who don’t know it’s coming, love to hear that Inspector Gadget theme at the end. Slightly dark with wonderful depth, SG feels like a great way to end such a high energy show. Of course, everyone smiles when they hit the Gadget section, dancing happily through.
Well, that was fun!!! What would an encore be for this show???
America – PERFECT!!!!! America’s hard, almost grungy, feel was a great cap to the show. Very rarely did they let off the gas throughout the show, and America would go on to get twisted! Screaming guitars over a fast paced beat allowing everyone to get that last bit of dance energy out and leave it on the floor. I was pretty sure they bled right into the next song, I didn’t write notes during encore as I just wanted to let the final song wash over me, so I can’t be certain of this. Bliss over took me for a moment and I sat there gazing at the stage in awe of this band and the community I have found myself being a part of. Setlist say no bleed so we will go with that until we get a recording. Side note – there was at least 1 taper there* To my surprise the boys still had one more left in the tank.
The Reprise – I honestly can not think of a better song, or song title, to end a show with. Light, bouncy, happy, super funky, and the title makes you feel as though the show was capped on both ends. Spafford drops us off into the night feeling completely jazzed, a smile on all our faces!!!
There are some nights you go to a show, where you can feel the energy in the room. This was one of those nights, NAY, it was one of those days. The energy began building in the morning, grew exponentially as the day went on and more pieces attached to the puzzle. People showed up unexpectedly and raised that level higher. The meet-up was top notch and I was so happy to meet some new friends as we carried our personal energies, melding them together for the night ahead. Part of me feels like the guys in the band felt it too. The last time they came through Nashville, which was the 1st time, I think people, including myself as that was my first time seeing them live, weren’t quite sure what to expect. We left that show DAZED & AMAZED at what we witnessed. I immediately went home and bought tickets for the Asheville shows that night…I was hooked!!!
This time, we knew. We had been listening, studying, and traveling, just hoping they would squeeze Nashville in the next solo tour. They did!! We went and we brought a collective energy I haven’t felt at a small show in a looooooong time. I hope they felt it too! I hope they know we want them back in Nashville anytime they want to visit. There are more ‘nerds here than I expected, and there are many new ones after Thursday. Several of my friends called to thank me the next day for the recommendation. Amazing band and an equally amazing community they have grown over the years. As I sit here typing this, singing along to Hollywood with my 8yo daughter who now knows the words to several songs and requests them on a regular basis, I can't help but shed a tear of joy. This may just be that community we all crave in the jam band scene. The one that accepts you on the sole basis that you have music you like in common. Thank you for letting me, my friends, and my children be a part of the ride!!!!
Forever now known as SPAFFVILLE!!!! EAT MORE RHINESTONES!!!
RE: Stats Question
@raf If you go to your profile page, there will be a button that links to your stats. As long as you have clicked which shows you have been to it will automatically update. Hope this helps!!
RE: Nashville pre-show meet up!
Stoked! Can hardly wait for tomorrow!!!!
Nashville pre-show meet up!
To all those in Nashville or coming to Nashville for the show on the 18th. A few of us will be meeting up at The Crying Wolf, 1 block from the Basement East, at 6:00 for a pre-show get together. Come, bring friends. I hope to get to meet some of you!!!
RE: Review: 2018-08-26 - Lockn' @ Infiniti Downs and Oak Ridge Farm - Arrington, VA
@2Fs I have been super lucky to make it to 2 of them and both times were free tickets. All I had to do was hang out in an amazing tie-dye booth, talk to people, and sell shit. In trade I got to see all of my "must see" sets.
RE: Review: 2018-09-22 - Blue Ridge Jam-Pisgah Brewing Company - Black Mountain, NC
@603Brett Thank you! It's already up there with my favorite venues in the area after just 1 visit. It's gonna be hard to top the Orange Peel though.
Review: 2018-09-22 - Blue Ridge Jam-Pisgah Brewing Company - Black Mountain, NC
Brewin’ Down the House
WOW!!!!! I feel this sums up the entire night at Leftover Salmon’s 3rd Annual Blue Ridge Jam, but I’ll try to convey it a bit better in some detail.
There were a lot of firsts for me on Saturday, first time seeing Salmon since their hiatus in 2004, first time my 3yr old son went to a concert, first time my entire family took a road trip specifically for a show, and first time at the Pisgah Brewery, to name a few. I would like to state on the record here that the Pisgah Brewery has done an amazing job at creating a friendly environment all around and their “backyard”, as I have affectionately dubbed their Outdoor Venue, is stunning!!! Quaint and intimate while still being rather large. They even have tree columns on stage to mimic the environment behind the stage. Really sweet spot I highly recommend checking out when you can!
The clan and I arrived about 30 min before the Jon Stickley Trio and posted up behind the soundboard and to the right. Side note, Jon Stickley Trio was a real treat as well and I’m really glad we got there early enough to see them. Anyway, in the break between the Trio and Spafford, I noticed a guy standing in the path with the same Spaffnerds/Star Wars shirt I was wearing, so I sent my daughter down to hand him some slaps. Indeed, the Spaffnerds had begun filtering to the outdoor space. Later, my new shirt twin would come up and introduce himself as Matt Smith. This is one thing I have not experienced in a long time. The immediate camaraderie between fans at a show is extremely uplifting. I know there are several of you I keep missing at shows, but we will meet, I have no doubt!!! Anyway, Matt and I chatted for a minute, I added to his starter pack of slaps, and gave him a bee jam sticker.
I eventually went back to my family and paced as I awaited the start of the set. First show back after a blistering summer festy tour. Another short set but they tend to make the most of those if recent history is any indication. Spafford takes the stage and I smile as I watch my daughter pause from playing with her new-found friend to cheer for Spafford!!
All My Friends rips out over the system. I had no idea gifting that bee jam sticker to someone would make the universe bless us with this opening sequence. There’s no doubt from this short song that they came to throw down. Brian looks jazzed to be there and is immediately dancing around. They absolutely attack the opener, Red lays down a hot key solo, keep it short and sweet, as it should be and slide right into…
>Bee Jam! The only thing that my notes say for this song is WOW!!! And here’s why: The one thing that drew me to Spafford’s music more than any other element, is their ability show peaks and valleys. To me, they show more variation in this realm than most of the “rising star” bands I have heard. This Bee Jam is a particularly good example of that. The way they move as a group, from those soft, transcendent moments, into the heavy, shred fest is a beautiful thing to witness. The older lady next to us, the one my son adopted as soon as she sat down, even began smiling and bouncing in her seat, dancing around with my son. Like the ancient, green, rolling landscape surrounding them, they eased from peak to valley and back again. Of course, part of me was quietly hoping for a 40-50 min jam, knowing full well that wasn’t likely, but you never know. Soon the tone of the jam changes, Brian and Cam purposefully drag the tempo down slightly and you can hear the transition clearly.
Really sweet, easy transition into People. The nice chill jam after the lyric section, was a great way to relax for a moment and catch your breath capped by a BEAUTIFUL piano solo by Red that evolved, effortlessly into the final build of the song. Again, I must remark on the ability to flow from peak to valley to peak. Stunning!!! Red gets my nod of appreciation in this opening sequence. Ripped a couple of sweet solos and provided amazing depth throughout the jam sections.
First break of the set. My son runs over, clapping and screaming “YAY!!!!” Red gets a shout out from Brian and they quickly jump into Leave The Light On. LTLO is always a fun song to hear. Everyone seems to like it, or at least have a fond appreciation for it, and it always seems to get people singing and dancing along. No exception here. This is one of the few songs even my wife, who is not a musicaholic like myself, knows. It also has the potential for huge jam options. They again show no signs of wanting to rush through a song. A nice instrumental stretch between verses and then they quickly settle into a spacey jam section. The build for this song was glorious. Slow and patient, it layered and built itself up so discreetly that about half way through it I thought, “How did they even get to this point without me noticing?” They end it strongly with everyone singing along to the chorus. Even my daughter has taken a break from her fantasy bubble to come over and dance and sing with me.
Another short break, this time with a Jordan shout out from Brian, then the soothing strut of Minds Unchained flows over the crowd. I can almost feel the smiles from across the yard. A nice easy, sustained intro led us into the verses. The tempo feels perfect, not too fast that it’s pushing you along but not so slow as to be left behind. Again, the jam starts off easy and feels as if it is just one long, well-crafted build. Super tight and Brian just destroys the jam section. I also have a moment here to take it all in. The environment, music, people, the beautiful nature surrounding us, the moon slowly creeping up behind the stage as if it too wanted to be a part of this moment.
Plans shows up next on the setlist. I was really excited to hear this song live again. The last time I heard it was at my second show almost a year ago, before I dug into their music like a starving fox in a packed hen house. The moment they dropped into that Latin-esque breakdown, folks in the back near us began dancing with each other, smiling wildly. Red catches me several times throughout this song with his cascading flurries breaking over the top and then floating back to add more depth to the heart of the soundscape. Peaks and Valleys…again!!! Patient yet deliberant switches from one to the other. I spend some time during Plans with my daughter, up by the soundboard. I’m not sure she was as ready for that as she thought honestly. She enjoyed her time up there but was quickly eager to head back when I asked if she was done.
Ain’t That Wrong was a perfect choice to end the set with. High energy, very danceable, and an overall fun tune. It felt like they wanted to leave an indelible stamp on their evening there. Really tight piano work by Red transitioning from rhythm to those graceful slides, Jordan and Cam just driving the song like Neal Cassady drove a stolen Cadillac, and Brian weaving in and out of it all!!! No frills, straight forward, shredding rock!! A really impressive way to end an amazingly tight, high energy set.
They may not have ripped off a two-song set, it was a festival type setting, but they played with a TON of enthusiasm and they were tight. They chose a great setlist, in my opinion, for the time they had as well as the crowd. Spafford was certainly the anomaly on the line-up for the day, but they fit right in to the more slam-grass eager crowd. Not surprising when you think of the place though. From the moment we pulled into the parking lot we were welcomed with friendly faces and kind smiles. Everyone we encountered, from those working to those there to see a show, were friendly, happy, and respectful, which made the whole experience one of those magical nights that you hope every show might be. Being able to share that experience with my whole clan there knocked it up another level for me. Spafford certainly made the most of their short time on stage…again. It left me super excited for what they are going to throw down this upcoming Fall Tour. I think it’s going to be a lot of fun. Hope to see you out there ‘nerds!!!
RE: Killin it stickers?
If you are on Facebook check out this group:
Most folks in there will be happy to send you a starter pack or two. None for sale but everyone, including myself, would be happy to send extras. If you want to hit me up with an address I'll get them out to ya!
RE: HowTo: Starting A Meetup
@BushCow Sweet! I'll post place and time soon. There's a new-ish place right down the block I'm gonna check out and then I'll post time and place.
RE: HowTo: Starting A Meetup
10/18/18 - Nashville, Tn.
Let's meet up before the show. There are several places within walking distance from the Basement East to have a drink and some food. I'm thinking meet around 6. Would love to meet some of you 'nerds.
Review: 2018-08-26 - Lockn' @ Infiniti Downs and Oak Ridge Farm - Arrington, VA
Locked in for Lockn’
Oh, the magic that is Lockn’!!! A reminder of the days when the large music festivals were filing their lineup with jam friendly bands and packing the side stages with every regional and local act they could find. Certainly, it is one of the few larger festivals that caters too those who crave improvised music. I was absolutely delighted to see Spafford on the lineup for Lockn’ as it is one of my favorite festivals to attend in general and I know the scene watches this fest closely.
Sunday afternoon is not the day I personally would have picked for Spafford. True, they are rather new to the scene, this was evident in the fact that most of the people I talked to throughout the weekend many had only heard OF them, not actually heard them. My personal theory on this has to do with age. Wait a second and hear me out. I am over 40 myself so this is not a slight, just my observations. It seems to me that Spafford sits in a grey area between age gaps. Not quite electronic dance music but not quite just full-out rock and roll either. So, it seems to me that they sit in the middle of the age spectrum yet still gather fans from either side. I think this makes them perfect for Lockn’ as that is a perfect age group for the fest to target.
Personal theories aside, I was eagerly anticipating this set. I knew it would be a short one but what would they do with it? I had our vendor neighbors excited to see them as neither of them had before. So, I enter the concert field at about 2:00 and quickly head to the soundboard area. The heat pushed a lot of people back to the shade after Keller’s Gospel set, so the field was only spattered with people at the end of the Judy Chops set. As the final note rang out, the stage began to turn, and the boys were already jamming as they spun into sight. The sound switched over to them and we were off to a running start.
Broken Wing opens up the set. You can hear it as soon as the main sound system picks them up. It was a hot tempo too. Brian can be seen sending back monitor adjustments. A short intro jam leads into the main body of the song There were some technical difficulties at the beginning. First a loud POP from the system at one point that was quickly fixed and then in between verses it looked like Brian lost a cable connection or something as he had to bend down and fix it. The song itself was a feisty little romp but fairly safe and standard. I like this song a lot and think it has potential for some huge jams, but I personally think this song might fit better later in a setlist. The song ends strongly, although I can’t help but feel that there might have been a little frustration at the tech stuff that took Brian out of the mindset for a second.
Red stands and waves at the crowd which has now filled in the central pit of the main stage and the crowd goes nuts. More younger people in the field overall but some of the older heads are there to check out this quickly rising band. The opening phrase of Slip and Squander greets us as the 2nd song of the set. I have mixed emotions about the placement and choice here. It was played beautifully, and Red’s voice was on point for sure, however, after the rockin’ intro it seemed to take the vibe down a little in the crowd. The lyrical section was tight as always and the instrumental build was patient and well-crafted but Red’s voice is the strongest part of this version to me.
A short break after SaS and the quick-tempo, funk-strut of Electric Taco Stand graces our ear holes. This song immediately breathes new life into the crowd and despite it being the hottest day of the festival, people get up and start to dance hard. I think ETS also hit a higher gear for the boys too. Brian finally seems to let loose a bit more adding little flourishes here and there that were less noticeable earlier. Jordan’s bass sounds amazing! Really clear and heavy yet not overpowering. After the first few minutes of sound issues, the mix was perfect in the field. I could easily hear Red’s keys tinkling down over the crowd as clearly as I could hear Brian shred and feel Jordan drop bombs. ETS certainly brought the heat. Again, I notice the communication between the group, especially between Brian and Cam. At one point I see Brain actively trying to pick up the tempo in the jam section and Cam immediately responds. Not much of a change but just where it needed to be. They really seem to be firing on all cylinders now. Brian is dancing around as they patiently make their way to the build. As they wind back into the melody of the song, building into a huge crescendo the guy standing next to me dances over and says, “This drummer is on point!”, then dances back to his blanket blissfully smiling. As the song ends the crowd erupts and even those that were laying down getting some sun were on their feet.
With about 20ish minutes left in the set it seems like the perfect place for All In. Sure enough, right after I think that, they drop into it. I’ve never seen this song fail to win a crowd, especially as the end of a short set. There are so many styles they happily wander through that there seems to be something for everyone. The composed, heavy section ends and they ease into that rolling reggae feel. Everything feels really light now. Red has descending runs down the keys that seem to peek out of nowhere. Brian’s fingers seem so nimble as he switches back and forth from strumming to picking, slowly pushing the jam forward and up. Really beautiful, patient jam. You can hear Cam pushing things slightly, but it’s balanced by Brian’s longer tones. This is my highlight of the set and everyone is up dancing around now. The build to the end is large and finds Cam and Brian playing off each other to perfection as Red fills in the sound to give them a landscape to play on. The song and the set end on a massively high note and with authority.
As the stage spins back around, I begin the long walk back to the booth I was working, handing out slaps as I go. After that ETS and All In, with Pete Shapiro watching and smiling from the side of stage, I have no doubt that Spafford will be back at Lockn’. I know for a fact that they gained many fans. I’m hoping for a better time slot honestly. Maybe even a night spot so we can see the amazing light shows as well. Personally, I’m hoping for them to slide into that late-night Saturday spot. Two nights of JRAD late night and a night of Spafford late night? I’d buy tickets just to go to late night!!!!
RE: HowTo: Starting A Meetup
@StoneJackBaller said in HowTo: Starting A Meetup:
09/22/2018 Black Mountain, NC w/ LOS
Who is gonna be out at the beautiful Pisgah Brewery to get down to some Spaff with me? Hometown show for me. Lets get up, drink some beer and enjoy the music.
I will def be at the Pisgah show. Salmon and Spafford??? Can't miss that!!!!
RE: I'm Killing It! - Sticker design requests
@StoneJackBaller said in I'm Killing It! - Sticker design requests:
@jake.marchman PLEASE! I want one. How bout them Dawgs?!?!
Also, a dude outside of Cracker Barrel down the road from Lockn' handed me a handful of I'm Killin' It stickers....which led me to log back in to this place. Thanks brotha! See y'all down the road....
I'm pretty sure that was me. Was it the one with the lion statue on it?
RE: Review: 2018-08-18 - St. Augustine Amphitheater - St. Augustine, FL
@Johnny-Love It's a feeling of what Florida is supposed to be as far as I'm concerned. Other than the possibility of hurricanes, it's damn near paradise. Any time they play there, I'll be there.
Review: 2018-08-18 - St. Augustine Amphitheater - St. Augustine, FL
Setlist, Attendance, and Recordings for: 2018-08-18 - St. Augustine Amphitheater - St. Augustine, FL
The Oldest City in America! When I looked through the tour list after Spafford announced they would be returning to the road with Umphrey’s, there was one show that called to me. One show that I knew if I was going to catch them at all this tour, it would HAVE to be that that show in St. Augustine.
For those who have never been, I personally think St. Augustine is the best city in Florida. In what other state can you dangle your feet over the bay while sitting on a moat wall built in the 1500s? So much history, so much peace, and so much fun. I used to live there and the thought of seeing Spafford rip up the same stage I used to perform on as an actor made me giddy. A home show away from home. And I also would get to introduce a good friend to my favorite Florida city. Let’s do it!!!
I stopped and received my pit wristband from the very friendly amphitheater attendant just as Spafford kicked into the opening notes of Eternity. “Damn! I’ll never get close to the front now,” I thought. But when we rounded the corner of the food booth I saw hardly anyone standing in the pit. Dancing down the steps, across the pit floor, all the way up to the 2nd row back from the rail. “Let it play straight from the Heavens, bring that joyful music raining down on me.” Eternity was a nice little warm-up. It’s not necessarily one of my favorites songs but this eternal city on the Florida coast seemed to be calling for it. As the song comes to an end, I look around. The S’nerds are into it, but others seem to be just waiting for Um and talking.
Then I hear coming from the stage that funky strut rhythm. Wow! Could they really be dropping a Double-Time right now?! Yes, yes, they are. A smile stretches across my face and the funk fills my booty and my body begins to really jam. Funny thing is, those talkers and folks just hanging out, they begin to move too. Jordan’s bass sounded extra crisp to me. Strong and clear with a nice mix overall. Double Time is the song that woke everyone up…including Brian. During the short jam section, the Moss face started. Tongue out, jumping up and down, this is when the feeling hit. On the short side, but full of feeling.
Double Time ends and both Jordan and Brian step back on the stage to let Red take the stage. With a soft rolling key intro, it could only be one song…Beautiful Day. I felt this one coming before the show. A sunny Saturday, with few puffy clouds in the sky, it almost screamed for a Beautiful Day to settle out the hard funk before it. As Red winds into the song a guy standing next to me asks what they have played already. I tell him the list so far. “Is this Beautiful Day they are rolling into?” my new friend asks. “Yessir it is!” I hand him some of my St. Augustine slaps and a Dis Go pin that I had on me. He smiles and says “Awesome! They played this in Orlando.” Red’s voice is spot on today. It’s strong and clear and just floats over the melody. The “old school Badshoe “T” was replaced by “New school.” Wish I could have heard it but the chompers standing next to me on the rail overpower Red, and I couldn’t catch it. Hopefully we will hear it on a recording.
Beautiful Day ends and there are some nods from Brian to the rest of the boys and they break into the next song. At first, it's as if my ears don’t believe what they hear. “Holy Great Gaps, Batman!!! It’s a Virtual Bean Dip.” All of a sudden I get a tingle up my back. I know they haven’t played this one in a bit so this feels special. This would be the song that all the boys seem to really connect too! Watching Brian and Cam communicate non-verbally during this tune was amazing. The jam seemed cohesive as a whole and they were really paying attention to the small things. Cam’s fills seemed more confident now, or maybe just more warmed up. I don’t know exactly but they definitely feel at this point that they have hit a groove they really like. The crowd feels it too as they have stood up, even those in the nearly empty seats have begun to dance hard.
VBD begins to mellow out and there is a shift in the drums. An island rhythm begins to form and there can be no doubt for those that know. For the first time it feels as if we might get a bleed. Slowly the change comes. Next change comes from Red and now there is certainly no doubt. They finally drop into Salamander Song after a fairly long and patient bleed. Even those who are only partially familiar with Spafford know this one and the whole crowd begins to dance. A nice version of Salamander and they carried over the connection they had found during VBD. The song is blissful and upbeat and leaves everyone "dancing the whole way home." The crowd breaks into applause and those of us at the rail begin yelling our heads off thanking the boys for the show.
I’m waiting for them to walk off stage before I leave my spot but, Brian turns and looks out at the sound board area with a face that seems to say, “One more? Do we have time?” A look over to stage left another glance back to the soundboard. You can see Brian say “Yeah?” and Red sits back down at the keys. YES!!!! One more final song. What will they play? They are talking among themselves for a second and all of these hopeful ideas float through my head. There was one song besides Broken Wing I was hoping for. Then, as if my thoughts had been beamed directly into their heads, the opening of Hollywood. I have been waiting to hear this song for a minute now. Not a long version but a tight one. Again I have to remark at the boys communication on stage. The way they listen and respond during songs is something I haven’t seen to this degree in a long time from a band.
The set ends with a cute little finality and I stand there, wrapped in the warm Hollywood fuzz they left me with. They played a range of song from the get downs to the lyrically driven and it’s that range that makes me continue to follow this band around the country. I thought that maybe the Umphrey’s fans were waiting till closer to the start of Um to come in, but even when they came on the St. Augustine Amphitheater was still somewhat empty in the back. If you ever have a chance to see a show at this venue, TAKE IT! The venue itself is small but beautiful, and the city is amazing place to spend a few days. Moe. and Widespread will be playing there later in the year just FYI.
After the show I pull out my phone to see just how long it’s been since Hollywood was played and I’m surprised to see some of the gaps. Eternity was last played on 2018-03-10, Double Time last played on 2018-03-14, Virtual Bean Dip last played on 2018-03-11, and Hollywood last played on 2018-03-07. That’s a hell of a lot of gaps dropped on this show folks and some of those songs people have been waiting to return. Loved the easy feeling of the show to match the easy feeling that St. Augustine gives you. I left the city relaxed, centered, and totally excited for what they might drop at Lockn’!!!!! I’ll see you ‘nerds in Virginia!!!!!!!