They left no prisoners. No one made it out alive. Was everything I wanted it to be and more. Perhaps a more in depth review when my mind is put back together and an AUD or for the love of god a SBD is released. Needless to say, Fall Tour is going to be a fucking party, dudes are killing it.
Best posts made by Toys-n-Tots
RE: The Bakers Dozen Show (8/5)
RE: Spafford Summer Six Pack
@myanruth also the Todd Stoops sit in on ATW was a cool moment in Williamsburg. Really cool show and can't wait till they come back to the big city and blow our minds
RE: Spafford Summer Six Pack
I certainly was in attendance and will be for 8/5 at BB Kings and 9/30 at the Bowl. Re-listening now and I'm right there with ya. That solo that he jumps into to start off is sick. Also since we're on the topic of this show, have they ever done anything like that fake out ending freeze they did before dropping into that Reprise? That was some shit
The Bakers Dozen Show (8/5)
Though they are not what we come here necessarily to talk about, Phish has been on a warpath to get to NYC and take over until our boys come to town 8/5. If things keep trending upwards that second to last show should be a doozy which means a sold out BB Kings crowd of mind blown phans and nerds (or both) will be clamoring for some semblance of reality. I don't think the SpaffLords are gonna give us anything to hold onto other than our shoes.
Last year's 12/30 American Beauty show was my first and continues to be one of my favorites and I totally trust in the band to deliver another rager. Eyes of Thieves opener last year, I'm calling an America opener because its the best opener. Whachu think? -
Spafflords and the Umph
Something that has been on my mind since 5/4/18 (New Orleans) is the strong respect that Spafford has for Umphrey's McGee.
Not just the guys in the band, as we hear Brian repeating Joel Cummins name during his sit in to garner more applause, but its also clear listening to a couple of festival interviews that the Spafford shot callers are trying to learn as much as possible about the Umph operation and apply it themselves.
Honestly I think we couldn't be in better luck as a fanbase than for Spafford to one day resemble the touring giant that is Umphrey's. To me, it shows an intention to play music for as long as possible, at as many venues as possible, for as many people as possible. I want Spafford to be doing that while also dishing out albums the same way Umph has.
It's late/early and I'm not sure I'v explained this as well as I'd hoped, but this nugget of an idea has been stuck in my mind for weeks now.
TL;DR: Spafford modeling themselves after Umph equals a long and healthy future for this band and I'm so hyped to be along for the ride! -
RE: Review: 2017-08-12 - The Peach Music Festival - Scranton, PA
@phokus said in Review: 2017-08-12 - The Peach Music Festival - Scranton, PA:
Currently at the Lonely jam and just getting further and further sold on Cam's playing. Getting very amped for Brooklyn Bowl and also for similar vibes at Suwannee Hulaween. First shows in the great state of Florida and I can't wait for my friends to finally experience these guys and for the band to get recognized as the party they are. Pretty much buying a pre-party just to see them twice.
RE: Show Discussion: Spafford @ Wind Rider Festival - 5/27/2017
Great quality AUD! Any doubts I had about the lineup change got squashed real quick
RE: 1st Spafford Song U heard Live
@dr_rock Dude same! I have a hard time remembering that night so i'm not sure if they skipped the lyrics but I love how on the recording it starts at an immediate groove that just never relents and sets the tone for the rest of the night
RE: Fall Tour shows??
Tickets bought for Brooklyn Bowl and mothafunkin HULAWEEN!
Spirit of Suwannee MP is absolutely gorgeous and just has a real magic feel to it that gets cranked to 10000 when Hula is on. Plus I get to watch these dudes kill it with my Florida friends who have been hearing me talk about Spafford since 12/30.
Until then I'm just biding my time till Great South Bay Music Festival. Third Spaff show and first time seeing Gov't Mule. Gonna be big fun! -
RE: Spafford Summer Six Pack
Must have been feeling prankish in April. So hyped for the after show dude! Just made a post about it haha
(7/15) Great South Bay - Patchogue,, NY
Who else is heading out to Long Island this Saturday to have face-melting fun with our boys? G.Love&Special Sauce playing afterwards and then Gov't Mule is headlining. Going to be a real good day!
RE: The Bakers Dozen Show (8/5)
@myanruth dude now that you mention it i'd take a gnarly Virtual Bean Dip to set the tempo for the rest of the show
RE: The Bakers Dozen Show (8/5)
@myanruth @Johnny-Love only words I needed when I saw the Rowaynton show listed were: (1) Spafford (2) Beach (3) FREE. Gonna be big fun