Prolly just me, but this run felt special -- they blew places up, filled them up with new fans, and executed perfectly. Was a lotta fun -- whoa, Mr Smalls and Buffalo were wild, Cuse, Lancaster, somehow peaked even harder? Thanks Thank you and Cheers forever

Best posts made by jimbo
Four Special Shows
RE: Four Special Shows
shout out to Buffalo.FM‘s free live stream of Spafford’s performance at Buffalo Iron Works, makes leaving that last run semi tolerable, so good. Thanks -
RE: Best Jams For Amusement Only Tour '18
@spaffaholic Buffalo Plans is solid
RE: Best Jams For Amusement Only Tour '18
@jimbo not forgetting 12.29 plans though
Killin It
Pretty sure the boys are killing it right now. Listening to these last few shows is gonna get me through August! P.S. miss you!
RE: Thank You!
@damian no Thank You! We could go on like this for awhile, lol. But seriously, these guys are what the world needs these days and they could not have arrived more on point! So much fun watching them take the states by storm, they've exploded literally since even last fall and early spring. Well-deserved. Glad the "good guys" are on a winning streak. Anyway, best to you, and thank you. These guys deserve the success and more. And all you Spaffnerds out there, keep on representing as the bestest fans there are. The best bands are matched by fans that can earn the same title. It's early, but we can do it. Meanwhile, don't forget to come back and visit regular like. K?
RE: 1st Spafford Song U heard Live
Windmill at Vinyl Hard Rock Vegas. 7/3/14, I was just walking by after Panic show and heard this! Went in and stayed, still! Lol
RE: Best Jams For Amusement Only Tour '18
@PhillySpaffnerd totally cloud 999 listening to buffalo salamander now, been all day buffalo, which is alright -- dude, best
RE: Best Jams For Amusement Only Tour '18
@dontjudgedave the Culture Room show doesn't quit, it's monster, relentless, loved it --
RE: Teases. Teases? Teases!
@damian you're appreciated, errytime I fire up the site
RE: Question for whomever was there or was listening.
America > Reprise is crazy, def worth a few listens, this is gonna play for a long time, nice monster nice monster, settle down
RE: Best Jams For Amusement Only Tour '18
@PhillySpaffnerd hey there, I think we raged together and discussed this very topic -- one of my fav tunes so happy
RE: Question for whomever was there or was listening.
@damian this is embarrassing, it's right here, lolololol
RE: Best Jams For Amusement Only Tour '18
gotta give it up to Salamander encore in Buffalo, but this run had so many choices you could just stay on this 4 show run and live happily on your desert island somewhere!
RE: Best Jams For Amusement Only Tour '18
@Night-Train for clarity, what is an "up vote", the heart? #noobquestions
RE: Best Jams For Amusement Only Tour '18
@Cody what he said,
lol again, hey i'm just goin thru this thread and that's about 3 times now you wrote the words before I could even think em? -
RE: NUGS Must Listen Shows - Best of Spafford on Nugs
love the buffalo, mr smalls and jackrabbits this year
Ann Arbor last fall and NYE N1, and all of these are biased by my being there, lol -- the boys never disappoint! -
RE: Best Jams For Amusement Only Tour '18
@Cody hey mate, those were good shows, mad world has stuck with me too! Cheers!