@shouseholder @Steph-Schuler and I are going to be bakers for Halloween so we decided to take it a step further and form Red Side, Bread Side. We will be passing out bread before the show up front on whatever side Red is blessed with. It's our first time in NOLA but we will try to find the headiest of breads for our fellow 'nerds.
Best posts made by RadiantDarkness
Red Side Bread Side
Let's talk Broken Wing
Open and interesting lyrics by Chuck?
Amazing vocal delivery and meter by Brian?️
Signature Red keys?️
Potential for Jam?️
Jordan and Cam giving this baby a beautiful bounce?️
Will get shred-nasty?️
Has a lick that is tease-able?️
There's so much for me to like about this song. The lyrics remind me of Radiohead lyrics, which is a compliment of the highest order coming from me.
It's easy for me to gauge a song upon the first few listens. How does it move me? Literally, how is it moving my body? This one is fresh and twists and turns my body in ways that I previously didn't know. This is now the song I want to hear most at my next Spafford show in the raw: what is it going to do, where it's going to go? This baby has potential for blast off and I want to fucking be there for it!
RE: Question about Bee Jam
@damian said in Question about Bee Jam:
Some numbers for you:
Bee Jam has been played:- 52 times
- 36 in the first set
- It was preceded by:
- All My Friends: 30
- Midnight Rider: 1
- In The Eyes Of Thieves: 1
- Virtual Bean Dip: 1
- Funkadelic: 1
- The Reprise": 2
- It was preceded by:
- 15 times in the second set
- It was preceded by:
- All My Friends: 11
- Eternity: 1
- In The Eyes Of Thieves: 1
- America: 1
- Send Me On My Way: 1
- It was preceded by:
- 1 time as an encore
- All My Friends: 1
Here's one of them:
https://spaffnerds.com/shows/2013-07-27NERD ALERT
(i love this post) -
RE: Is Old Town Jam the best of Spafford's Hour Long Jams?
Full attendance bias here: this jam brings the whole house down. I skipped the Aspen show and my only fear was missing something akin to this jam.
The journey into Steamboat was spectacular. The drive through Rabbit's Ears Pass didn't disappoint with the snow coming down! The downtown area during snowfall was simply astounding. Then, we got the venue way too early but secured a spot on the rail and along the wall (a few people partied too hard in Aspen and decided to SIT the whole show).
That being said, the jam itself was a sight to behold in person, especially being close enough to feel apart of the band's internal communication. The guys were locked in: laughing, signaling, smiling, you name it, they went through an hour long emotional movie's worth of expressions up there during the jam. It seemed so effortless to them too. From the audience's perspective, we honestly thought they had a setlist for the set but were laughing about hinting at the songs but never playing them. We could see the setlist and could see the first song was very short so On Fire or Walls came to mind. It sounded like On Fire a little bit to start, not really, but could have been a 10 minute intro. We heard Todd's Tots at one point, definitely Steak Sauce.
I can say without a doubt, that all the shows I've been to over the past 15 years, I've never felt so exhausted at the end of Set 1. I love a lot of Spafford songs but I don't go see 3 shows in a row to hear a jukebox of their songs rehearsed. I go because I love improv and they have IT. Old Town Jam, Clam Jam, Steamboat Jam....whatever you want to call it. It's got everything you want in it.
Special shoutout to the crowd. We brought it. We brought it just as hard as the band was giving it. There were waves of energy in that place. We laughed, we cried, we cheered, we died. I don't ever care to say this was the best, this was the 2nd best, and things like that. But I will say that Old Town Jam is what I crave at every show attended. The band was fully engaged, the crowd was raunchy with energy, and it synergistically ignited into a 57 minute journey that couldn't be written any more beautifully.
Teases. Teases? Teases!
I've been selected with the glorious task of trying to paint a better picture of each show via the setlist. I've intently listened to handful of shows and have come up with some additions, whether they be teases, quote changes, or straight up finding Red's Jam in the middle of a song that wasn't notated on the setlist. Anyway, since I am not a musical savant, I'm going to need everyone's help filling in the setlists! If you hear a distinct tease or something or other, please let us know. You can just post the show, song, time, and band member in here or send me a private message and we'll listen!
RE: Hello!
@SpaphNerd said in Hello!:
Sup nerds! Just wanted to stop in and say hello. I got a "I'm Killing It" sticker at the Nashville show and this website was on it. Figured why not stop in and see what it's all about - glad I did!
I'm a big ole' jam feen and like all of you I'm sure, Spafford really impressed me. I listened to a lot of their boards leading up to the show, but had no idea they were that good. I'm very thankful that we have a great band to see for many years to come.
Rather than spending thousands to see Phish or Panic for NYE this year, I'm truly thinking about hitting the Spafford 3 night run. $200 for the VIP package seems right up my ally.
See y'all around!
You could do something crazy like me and go to 12/28 Phish (my family lives right outside NYC so I'll be visiting for holidays), take a 6am flight on 12/29 to Phoenix -> Rage Spafford Run 12/29-12/31
I've done Phish NYE every year since 2010 except 2015, when I went to Spafford. Did a part of me slowly die inside? Yes! Do I ever look back disappointed at my decision: definitely not. 1/1/16 Set 1 was worth it alone!
RE: Fall Tour shows??
Already have tickets for 3 Colorado dates: Mishawaka, Ogden, and Globe Hall VIP
Have to figure out travel arrangements but will most likely be going to: Baltimore, Philly, and Brooklyn!
RE: I'm Killing It! Sticker Raffle #1: First Spafford Show
@becky25You are all killing it!
I'll send a private chat to each of you in order to get your mailing addresses! -
RE: Shows for a new enthusiast?
"This is the Madhu-Vidyā in quintessence – the contemplation of all things by the contemplation of anything."'
Don't ask why, as I don't know, but my first foray into The Grateful Dead was listening to only Dark Star. I listened to the first 50 or 60 of them before listening to any of their other tracks.
RE: Red Side Bread Side
To all the willing, blessed bread was served at the VIP show. All thank Red for being so kind to say a few words over the bread during the meet & greet!
RE: Best Jams For Amusement Only Tour '18
everyone always forgets about PLANS!
buffalo rendition was ferocious followed by a wonderfully beautiful VBD@Night-Train said in Best Jams FAO Tour '18:
don't think i've seen a thread dedicated to just this tour but man they are on fire. a lot of hype around the detroit rock city america and cleveland reds jam, but i implore you to check out the cleveland hollywood. patient, melodic playing. a beuatiful jam.
just the third (by my count, phx halloween '15 and somewhere in february last year though it wasn't nearly as jammed as the phx and cleveland versions) taboot.
quick list off the top:
1/11 minny - thieves
1/12 milwookie - breakdown, mr mr, weasel pal weasel, all in
1/13 detroit - america
1/14 cleveland - parody sammy, hollywood, reds jam
1/17 pittsburgh - havent listened yet but that whole second set looks choice
1/18 buffalo - stream went in and out for me but the bean dip was really good to my earswhats everyone else thinking
great list
RE: Greetings from Atlanta
Welcome! Sounds like Spafford did a great job introducing themselves to the rowdy Atlanta crowd! Can't wait to listen to the soundboard when it drops.
RE: Best Jams For Amusement Only Tour '18
It's a Bunch really hits the feels. Kinda takes me to a place where death surrounds me so, only because I am so full of life. It's kinda balancing out the force. I'm feeling so alive so things around me perish under the weight of my vacuum of intelligence. Something like that.
Then the segue into Lonely has Brian giving us a few extra measures of pippity pop while the rest of the band is probably smiling gracefully watching a master make everyone patiently wait for his arrival.
Lonely might be my favorite spafford song. I have only seen it 1 out of every 8 shows and a few of them were before they started extending it. Brian remains playful in the jam. His fingers just don't fucking stop. The rest of the band shift tempo ever so slightly and it helps Brian shift from delicacy into more fiery dance. It keeps building and building with Mr Moss leaving our faces in shambles while the other guys keep the foundation firm. You can hear everyone else playing Lonely and finally Brian gives in and we have the end verse of Lonely to settle our hearts just a little.
RE: TXR Night 2!
brian's playing in ETS is so beautifully gentle. even over the stream, you can really pick up how he's serenading us through his journey of love. it always touches my heart to hear another man be able to express himself so openly, night after night, to people he knows, doesn't know. Maybe there's someone in the audience he likes, maybe there's another he doesn't like. Within the music, all these differences become part of the same vibration. The band is complimenting him so well, joining him in the laughs, the tears, the peaks and valleys. Just when I start thinking lonely is taking over as my favorite Spafford song, the band crushes an ETS out of the park.
naturally goes into alternate ending
RE: inspector gadget?
They have a song called Space Gadget that plays on the inspector gadget theme. The song page linked will show you what shows it was played at so that can narrow it down for you.
RE: Outstanding Versions of Spafford Songs, Best Performances, Recommended Versions of Songs, etc...
5/5/18 Todd's Tots weighs in at a cool 15 minutes on the nugs recording. Definitely worth a listen and I'm not positive they've jammed it quite like this before (or ever?). If they start ripping this song proper and blow this rendition away then this version would at least be the shift or signal for the song's ascent to the stratosphere...
RE: Are square pizza slices an abomination?
I watched @Night-Train and Red argue over this after 2017-04-22. I didn't even know square pizza was a thing outside of Sicilian.
RE: How Should We Record "Alternate Beginning"
@Lopez said in How Should We Record "Alternate Beginning":
The song that was played was Alternate Ending but it was just before the ETS. It almost was like they took a page out of the Disco Biscuits play book and inverted the song because it went AE > second half/peak of ETS > Beginning of ETS.
I think it should still be labeled as Alternate Ending just with a note of "Alternate Beginning"
This doesn't change my outlook on how AE should be listed (as Alternate Ending b/c that's the song name). It does make it interesting to note in the setlist for ETS though. Is it their first "inverted" song? I'll give it a listen after work
RE: Review: 2017-10-01 - The Haunt, Ithaca, NY
Gave this show a listen this morning thanks to them releasing it on nugs. Great jams bookend the 1st set (mind's unchained + remedy)
Parody->it's a bunch->Parody probably the least likely 2nd set opening jam vehicle i would think of but they did a hell of a job!Parody->It's a Bunch transition is signaled (by Jordan) at least 1 minute prior to the full segue! Gotta love those.
RE: How Should We Record "Alternate Beginning"
The Ending Previously Known as Alternate