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Nerds! We are extremely excited to have Andrew J. Thomas (@andrewthomas) join us on Wednesday, January 10th for a Q & A session. In case you didn't know, Andrew made Brian's custom built guitar which has been lovingly named "Raven." This is your chance to ask Andrew about making guitars, the Raven itself, any of his other work, or what it was like to win Beau of the Electro Funk Ball.

We'll run the Q & A right here in this thread. Andrew will join us at 5PM eastern and be online for about an hour and a half. You can post your questions ahead of time on this thread and he'll answer them when he's with us. This dude's been around a while and seen some cool stuff. I know I've got a bunch of questions at the re...

(2081 Views / 6 Upvotes)
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Setlist, Attendance, and Recordings for: 2017-12-31 - The Crescent Ballroom, Phoenix, AZ

New Year’s Eve? Last day of the year, one I usually reserve for staying home and avoiding too much interaction with the world outside my bubble. But 2017 was a different kind of year for me, for my family, for this band that I truly love.

If you don’t know, I am a proud brother of Red. I’m sure our other brother has a moment like mine when I knew he was going to do something big. Mine was when he played Glycerine on the piano in our living room when he was 16. I can still hear e...

(622 Views / 3 Upvotes)
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@Jon-Rose has started a gofundme to help a long time Nerd with the untimely loss of her husband. Please consider making a donation to help Lauren deal with the funeral costs and other expenses surrounding Kevin's untimely death. Any amount helps.



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Setlist, Attendance, and Recordings for: 2017-12-29 - The Crescent Ballroom, Phoenix, AZ

After the shortest gap between shows for Arizona over the past year, the Nerds were ready for night one at The Crescent Ballroom. Between the band and the Onesie’s in attendance this was one HOT performance on a Friday night!

The energy was palpable as people began filing into one of my favorite hometown venues. The size of the room, sound, and staff make this one of the premier rooms in Phoenix. The drinks were flowing and the smiles were big as our favorite band took the stage!

Spafford opened the show with a premier cover of the Foo Figh...

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Setlist, Attendance, and Recordings for: 2017-12-13 - Crescent Ballroom, Phoenix, AZ


Although the room seemed to be less crowded than the night before, the energy at tonight’s sold out show was palpable. We were just coming off a heater of a Friday night show and among the many friends and fans that I’ve talked to, throughout the weekend, they found excitement in the fresh new faces seen throughout the weekend. It’s telling of Spafford’s current upward and high-flying trajectory.